Monday, June 21, 2010

Homestead ideas for the suburbs

Long before we ever moved on to our own land we were starting to implement some homestead ideals. Basically, these ideals center on being more self-sufficient. I thought I would pass on some things we started doing when we were still in the suburbs.

1. Grow a garden: Anyone with the smallest piece of land can grow a garden. We started in a flower bed that was unused and put a few tomato plants in. Our garden this year is in a small spot that use to be a dog run. We have peppers, tomatoes, green beans, watermelon, cantaloupe and okra. You can borrow or rent a tiller and start today.

2. Hang out your clothes: Not only will this save money ($30 or more a month for us) but it is better for the environment. Plus, you will love how your clothes smell. We bought a small umbrella-style clothes line for $50 at a local hardware store. I love it, it is easy to use and doesn't take up a lot of space. Even if you only used it a couple of times a week, you will notice a savings.

3. Have a chicken in your backyard: Perhaps even 3 or 4 hens would be nice. They help keep your yard free of pests and provide you with eggs. If you had 4 chickens you could have 20 eggs a week. Check local codes and talk to your neighbors. More and more cities are starting to allow small flocks.

4. Get out of debt: This is the real secret to self-sufficiency. It might take some time but sit down and work up a plan to real financial freedom. You will never regret it.

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